[Server-devel] unregister soas

Jerry Vonau jvonau at shaw.ca
Mon Oct 26 22:05:26 EDT 2009

On Tue, 2009-10-27 at 12:30 +1100, David Leeming wrote:
> I don't have access to the XO used as admin in 0.5.2 before upgrading. I
> want to restore Moodle and all the ejabberd data to "fresh install" status
> and then start again. Is thispossible? I suppose I can just reinstall 0.6
> fresh. But if there's a way let me know. 
Might want to "rpm -e moodle-xs" "rpm -e ejabberd-xs" then re-install
the rpms by hand. If you have the cd burned,
"cd /<mnt-as-needed>/Packages", then
"rpm -ivh moodle-xs*" "rpm -ivh ejabberd-xs*"
should put you back to square one with those packages. 
If you have the just the iso mount it loopback.


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