[Server-devel] XS server testing
tkkang at nurturingasia.com
tkkang at nurturingasia.com
Thu May 28 21:35:31 EDT 2009
I did a new installation with the XS 0.6 alpha and tested various registration with the both Chinese & English XOs (5 XOs) with complicated names, etc... All seems to work OK and stuff get displayed well in the backup in the Moodle.
Hope to see if we could get more information on the performance with more testing on Saturday.
At the moment we are concern about the wireless support. A message below from a volunter:
Yesterday in TK's office, I experienced that registration takes only 2 second for one XO, so I guess the bandwidth requirement for registratoin process is very minimal.
In my viewpoint, the most important question in the Sat. stress test is whether we should use 1 AP or 3 AP. If it is feasible to register 50 PC via one AP simultaneously, then we are safe. Because it means that we can register 150 XO in chanenls 1, 6,11 simultaneously in SiChuan school. Then we can finish registering 450 XO in 3 rounds. What do you think?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Martin Langhoff [mailto:martin.langhoff at gmail.com]
>Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2009 02:08 AM
>To: tkkang at nurturingasia.com
>Cc: 'Reuben K. Caron'
>Subject: Re: XS server esting
>Hi T.K.Kang!
>Sounds like a nice rig!
> - I'd advice using the latest 0.6 alpha and updating it to the latest
>packages from olpcxs-testing. See the procedure Reuben is following.
> - I'd also advise to ask these questions on the server-devel list so
>the conversation is open to others who may help (or learn from us).
>Please please please: post to server-devel.
> - Mainly interested in
> - Does ejabberd behave well? Do people see the right presence
>information in the 'neighbourhood view'?
> - When you get all the users connected, what does ps_mem.py (google
>for the script) say about your memory usage?
> - After a few hours all the registered XOs should have made their
>backups. Any XOs fail to backup?
> - Can you get 40 real users hitting on Moodle? If yes, I'm
>interested in hearing if it remains snappy and what ps_mem.py says
>about memory usage when you have them using moodle.
> martin.langhoff at gmail.com
> martin at laptop.org -- School Server Architect
> - ask interesting questions
> - don't get distracted with shiny stuff - working code first
> - http://wiki.laptop.org/go/User:Martinlanghoff
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