[Server-devel] Questions

Henry Vélez Molina henry.laptop at gmail.com
Thu May 7 23:04:02 EDT 2009

Hi Everybody
We have been working again on trying to install versión 5 of the XS server.
Anaconda has not been able to work in our server. I think that the reason is
the incompatibility with the graphic card.
Is there any way to update the system from Version 4?, Can i do it with
"yum-update" or "yum-upgrade"? How can we know if the server was updated?

As we go forward in working with the current version of sugar, we note the
The mouse-pad continues to be unstable
some XOs have problems with the sound, the sound doesn`t work at all
some XOs have problems with the cam: the vision can be unclear or not work
at all

i will send you some photographs with other problems

thank you and greetings

Henry Vélez Molina
Administrador de red OLPC
Fundación MArina Orth
Tel :341 23 59
Móvil: 312 769 0169
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