[Server-devel] moodle admin policy again

Martin Langhoff martin.langhoff at gmail.com
Tue Jul 21 06:06:48 EDT 2009

On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 9:54 AM, Daniel Drake<dsd at laptop.org> wrote:
> I remember replying to your mail at
> http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/server-devel/2009-June/003590.html
> but I can't find the response anywhere so maybe i was dreaming :)
> The solution you propose there sounds good.

I remember it too. Perhaps 'twas in private.

I'm back on deck now, and hoping to have a chance to round up 0.6,
including the 'coursecreators' patch too (which is still in my TODO

> I am now dealing with a similar situation in Nepal.  In this case I
> think we (initially) want a global moodle login over all the XSes, and

What is the client machine for that "global login"? An
XO/Sugar/Browse.xo client or something else?

> again for the first-user-is-admin policy not to happen. What I'm
> thinking of is creating an empty file at /etc/moodle/coursecreators
> (according to the above scheme)

Wait for the code :-) (or tackle it yourself -- it's in auth/olpcxs/auth.php )

> and then setting a Nepal-specific
> /etc/moodle/adminpw on each XS. Does that sound workable?

That already works. If you pre-create /etc/moodle/adminpw before
installing the moodle package somehow (maybe from kickstart?) then
Moodle will be pre-configured with the right pw.

Otherwise, UPDATE mdl_user SET password='md5-of-your-password' WHERE
username='admin' will do the trick. Technically it could have a
different username, but in the XS it's reliably 'admin'.

Slightly more portable than raw SQL -- but untested -- is the
cliupgrade.php command, which I think resets the admin password if you
provide one.


 martin.langhoff at gmail.com
 martin at laptop.org -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
 - http://wiki.laptop.org/go/User:Martinlanghoff

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