[Server-devel] fixing the installation instructions
Daniel Drake
dsd at laptop.org
Tue Jul 21 02:58:17 EDT 2009
The XS installation instructions at
http://wiki.laptop.org/go/XS_Installing_Software seem to have been
subject to a fair amount of confusion recently. For example, the
instructions to use domain_config were deleted, and instead they
advised you to modify all of the config files entering the hostname by
I just had a go at fixing the page:
Please review.
A few notes:
The page now explicitly states the XS position on DNS - i.e. don't
need to do anything because the XS does it for you. However, some
people may want to use ISP dns servers. It would be nice to see
instructions for such users, but the current ones were incorrect. (the
way to do it would be to configure bind to send all requests to an
upstream server.)
I am personally confused by issues surrounding hostname resolution of
the local server. Deployments will usually make up hostnames, right?
In which case they don't resolve on the out-of-the-box XS setup, yes?
Does ejabberd really fail if it can't resolve the hostname?
In Paraguay, we modified /etc/hosts on all XSs as follows:
schoolserver.escuelaXX.caacupe.paraguayeduca.org schoolserver
localhost.localdomain localhost
i.e. we added the FQDN (as stated in /etc/sysconfig/hostname) to the
very front of the resolution (must be the first entry,
because I couldn't find any other way to get "hostname -s" and
"hostname -f" working correctly), then we added the unqualified
hostname "schoolserver."
If I remember correctly, this was done in order to make puppet work.
Maybe these are puppet and ejabberd bugs, but it doesn't seem
unreasonable for applications to require the local hostname being
correctly resolvable and the hostname being correctly output by the
hostname program.
If someone knows this situation better than I do, please jump in and
modify the wiki page. Right now I sort-of-guessed and just wrote that
people should modify /etc/hosts if the upstream authoritative DNS
server for the XS domain doesn't give the right answer (e.g. if the
hostname/domain is made up).
Finally I commented out the instructions explaining how to fix
ejabberd when the user changes the hostname, because they were
incorrect. The solution would be to re-run domain_config and then fix
the Mnesia DBs, but I'm not sure if re-running domain_config is
advisable or if a certain flag needs to be used or something. It would
be nice to see these instructions return if someone is in-the-know or
can experiment. Alternatively we could wait for XS_0.6 as trac
suggests that this is no longer an issue.
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