[Server-devel] XS 0.6 on SD card
Sameer Verma
sverma at sfsu.edu
Wed Jul 1 11:53:34 EDT 2009
I finally managed to find enough time to install the xs on a SD card
and boot an XO from it. I am impressed! It took a bit longer to go
through the first boot (I presume its because of the SD card) but
after running network_config and domain_config, I rebooted and it ran
without a hitch. I hooked up a usb-to-ethernet adapter for the
backhaul. The mesh node services the XOs. Also ran yum
--enablerepo=olpcxs-testing update and it had no problems there
I haven't done extensive testing, but will do so and post some more
details soon.
Dr. Sameer Verma, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Information Systems
San Francisco State University
San Francisco CA 94132 USA
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