[Server-devel] Towards XS 0.6

Martin Langhoff martin.langhoff at gmail.com
Wed Jan 14 15:46:01 EST 2009

Against all odds, the XS plans for 0.6 haven't changed much in this
last week. We have an opportunity to improve things a bit for the
upcoming deployments, which will be using 8.2.x --

It's a very limited timeframe, and a lot of things to do. There won't
be any time for frills or experimentation with bold new things. It is
time for hard focus on a short list of things that are enablers for
deployments, and for stability-focused bugfixing.

And that's just fine with me. In times like this, it would be
irresponsible to spend time on secondary stuff.

More than ever, I will need your help to get this done, specially
around early testing.

What's coming in the next 2~3 months for the XS is

 *  Scalability: ejabberd/presence partitioning via Moodle

 * Lease mgmt - activation, renewal, blacklist
          o XS: network proto layer, USB-based delivery handling, mgmt UI
          o XO: firmware, initrd, userland
          o Needs simple service announcement scheme

 * Browse.xo transparent sign on - working with Simon

 * DS-Backup -- Restore UI

 * Management scheme
          o Scripts automation
          o Update callback scheme

 * Easier transparent OS and activity upgrade -
          o service announcement scheme
          o small XO work

 * XS on XO - working with Jerry

 * Basic reporting scheme

 * Ability to switch off registration service -- local teams are
worried about bogus registrations

 * Tie internet access to registration  -- some local teams are
worried about locals "stealing" very limited internet bandwidth. We
could block internet access from un-registered machines or just
throttle them very aggressively. Naturally, needs a 'whitelist'
mechanism and UI to whitelist teacher's non-XO laptops.

 * 2~3 weeks of polish on Moodle for the XS to close the gaps so that
we can start taking advantage of upstream work


 martin.langhoff at gmail.com
 martin at laptop.org -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
 - http://wiki.laptop.org/go/User:Martinlanghoff

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