[Server-devel] [IAEP] Sharing work between XOs/SOAS devices
Martin Langhoff
martin.langhoff at gmail.com
Tue Dec 15 16:47:35 EST 2009
On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 6:30 PM, Gerald Ardito <gerald.ardito at gmail.com> wrote:
> As our 5th graders are doing more and more work with their XOs, their being
> able to turn in and share their work products (as opposed to collaborating
> with others) is becoming more and more important.
This is very high priority for me. At the moment I'm on leave, so
please forgive brevity... deployments using XS/Moodle are in minority
also so...
- On 0.84/0.86 sharing Journal Entries via usb sticks just _does not
work at all_. I have a patch for that on dev.l.o, posted recently here
asking for review... (and then RL hit and I went on leave... but
nobody's reviewed it :-/ )
- 0.84/0.82 cannot read Journal Entries saved on a USB stick by 0.82.
This is serious as there is no sane upgrade path for the passionate
committed teachers that have been putting work on their materials
(upgrades in large deploymetns are done via reflash of the NAND, as
olpc-update doesn't scale network-wise). I have an almost working
patch for 0.84 to read JEs from 0.82, will try finish/post it soon.
And I'll be begging for review on sugar-devel...
- Now, re the workflow you describe when you have an XS, it is
horrid. What I want to do ot make it simpler is...
1 - Teach the XS/Moodle about "shared" status of JEs or implement
in Moodle a "share this" option; in both cases, it's for the files
already saved automagically by the backup system.
2 - Make the backup UI more prominent, and also a UI of "shared
documents of my classmates"
3 - Add in the Journal some option to force-a-backup-sync-now, or a
very smart heuristic to do it in the background.
Does the above help?
martin.langhoff at gmail.com
martin at laptop.org -- School Server Architect
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