[Server-devel] [OLPC-Peru] Collaboration between schools

info at olpc-peru.info info at olpc-peru.info
Fri May 2 21:16:53 EDT 2008

_*Too much sugar on my "mate"
*_("mate" is a spanish word too, but in this case it is the name of a 
typical drink in Argentina, Uruguay and some parts of Brazil.  It is the 
coffee of the "gauchos".).

Once, when I was 14, I went with my high school fellows to help a poor 
village in the sourroundings of Lima.  When we arrive we start to dig 
and help people that was installing huge water concrete tubes.  In 2 
hours our hands were damaged, bleeding in some cases.  I will never 
forget that one of the local persons told us... "... hey kids... go back 
to the city... thanks but no thanks... you are not usefull for this 
work... and... by the way.. don't you have your own problems to solve? 
:-[    why you came here without asking what we really need?... we thank 
you but next time you speak to the locals... we can tell you how the 
things need to be done...".  I will never forget those words.

I will take time this weekend to analyze (and prove) that this OLPC and 
XO in Peru is under big risk due to the previous behavior that the 
responsible people and organizations have shown in the last time.  I 
will choose every word very carefully because I don´t want to damage the 
opportunity for our children, but I think is time that the true (facts, 
not opinions) come to the light.  Just to show you the tip of the iceberg:
a) Do you know  that the call for a bid, the presentation of the 
proposals, the approval of the elected one, the presentation of the 
additional budget in the congress, all has happen in an "abnormal" fast 
trot ? O:-)
b) Do you know that all the "hidden" costs were not recognized as part 
of the cost of the project?

Now, we can start to dig to find ALL the happenings and find the FACTS 
that will show you that this OLPC and XO deployment in Peru is managed 
according to terms of dominance, property, recognition, and not deeply 
related to the "education for the poorest boys" in Peru.

I never speak "nonsense" words.  These are written words and I am old 
enough to know that they will be kept in some place.  So I stand up and 
I back up my words.  If I am in a error that will be an honest error and 
it will be recognized in public with the due apologies to any involved 
person or organization.

Just for the record:
* I am not a politician, I don't work for the government or any party.
* I earn my life doing consulting about trouts (nothing related to 
education, trouts are big business here).
* I don't know any person that is related to any possible business 
related to the computers in educative arena.
* I have work with peruvian goverments (my people) by more than 30 
years. Not in this moment.  I have work with computers since 1979.

Now let's think: why Javier (me!) invest his scarce time writing about 
the XOs and OLPC? Easy answer: because I need that THOSE KIDS in the 
remote villages in my country doesn't get involved with terrorism 
again.  My office was bombed in the famous "Tarata Attack" in year 1992, 
I am alive because I married one week before and I was in honeymoon.  In 
my country terrorism comes from poverty (not religious matters 
involved), many terrorist on those years were taken (kidnapped) when 
they were girls and boys just 10 years old.  Formed and trained in 
militar way.  2 of those girls became adults and kidnapped 400 people in 
the Japan Embassy.  All terrorist (including the 2 girls) were down.  I 
don't want to live that again.  Not for me, not for my children or 
future generations.

XOs and OLPC in my country can be done in perfect way IF you have a base 
line, IF you have a clear target, IF you speak with locals that are 
related to education without having personal economic or political 
interest (not me, there are many peruvians that can be CONSULTED before 
you advance more in what you, or any responsible person, think is right 
or wrong).  When we shut our eyes (and ears) in front of what bad 
politicians and bureaucrats do then we are doing damage to all the 
peruvian kids (including ours).

I hope this put more "sense" on my "nonsense" words.  If not... 
Martin... I will not send my "Mirages" again! (kidding!  :-) we will 
send them all the time, Martin... all the time!)

Best regards,

Javier Rodriguez
Lima, Peru

Martin Langhoff wrote:
> On Sat, May 3, 2008 at 12:23 PM, Yama Ploskonka <yama at netoso.com> wrote:
>>  "Al hijo de mi madre nadie le pisa el poncho"
>>  Rioplatense saying
> I _am_ rioplatense and I can tell you - Javier is talking nonsense.
> m

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