[Server-devel] Drupal on OLPC? (Martin Langhoff)
Sameer Verma
sverma at sfsu.edu
Thu Mar 20 13:00:44 EDT 2008
Greg Smith (gregmsmi) wrote:
> Hi Sameer,
> I think you are on the right track in terms of laying out the use cases
> and relevant variables. A full matrix of options will be too complicated
> but we can list the main physical/HW variables and then put known
> deployments in each category.
> Something like:
> Server HW (RAM/Disk) - big, medium, little
> Bandwidth to Data Center - big, medium little, none
> Bandwidth to Internet - big, medium, little
> Power in school - enough for AP and 2 x servers, enough for one server
> max, not enough for any servers,
> Wireless access - Wireless AP, active attena, none
> Size of school - 10 - 50, 51 - 100, 100 - 200
> Could be more precise numerical values too.
> After that we don't need a cross product of all variables. We can just
> look at known constraints on SW and services based on that.
> E.g. You could say, if the best HW you can get is 512MB RAM and you only
> have power for one box and you have medium BW to the data center you
> should move squid to the data center. Or a simple one like, if you have
> 200 kids in the school you need a wireless AP.
> I have deliverables for Uruguay web site building tool due this week so
> my OLPC "spare" time is up and I need to pass the buck for now :-)
> If you have a chance you could use the talk page at:
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/XS_Server_Specification
> Or talk page at:
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/XS_Server_Services
Hi Greg,
This is what I was driving at. This week has been busy, but we have
Spring break next week, so I'll spend some time on it. Three major
constraints are power and connectivity and school size. Server specs,
network topology etc. are items that will support that constraint
space. I'll post something on the talk page in a few days.
Dr. Sameer Verma, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Information Systems
San Francisco State University
San Francisco CA 94132 USA
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