[Server-devel] PostgreSQL + Moodle
Tim Moody
timmoody at sympatico.ca
Tue Jun 24 17:03:15 EDT 2008
Hi Tony,
Here are my notes minus a lot of wrong turns. The part that probably needs Martin's help is PAM SOTP. I made postgresql trusted because the default ident setting did not work.
· Find and run PostgreSQL
o psql (default install) is not postgresql-server; it’s just the client
o Yum install postgresql-server (8.2.5-1.fc7)
o service postgresql initdb – OK
o service postgresql start – OK
o psql – not work as root
o su – postgres
o psql – connects
o \l shows postgres, template0, template1 databases
PHP & Libs
· yum install php – installed: php.i386 0:5.2.4-1.fc7 (surprised it is not in default install)
o Make sure php.conf added to /etc/httpd/conf.d
o /etc/php.ini now found
o service httpd restart
· Test PHP
o Create php script as follows and execute; it should dump a lot about your php environment
o <?php
o phpinfo();
o ?>
o In my environment this is in /var/www/html/timtest/ =
· yum install postgresql-python
o Installed: postgresql-python.i386 0:8.2.5-1.fc7
o Dependency Installed: mx.i386 0:2.0.6-3
o Don’t know what this is for
· yum install php-pgsql
o Installed: php-pgsql.i386 0:5.2.4-1.fc7
o Service httpd restart
o Phpinfo now shows pgsql
· Test php access to postgre
o create database timdb;
o \c timdb
o create table test (text varchar(10), num decimal);
o insert into test values ('abc', 123);
o select * from test;
o run testpg.php:
o <?php
o // Connecting, selecting database
o $dbconn = pg_connect("host=localhost port = 5432 dbname=timdb user=postgres password=xxx")
o or die('Could not connect: ' . pg_last_error());
o // Performing SQL query
o $query = 'SELECT * FROM test';
o $result = pg_query($query) or die('Query failed: ' . pg_last_error());
o // Printing results in HTML
o echo "<table>\n";
o while ($line = pg_fetch_array($result, null, PGSQL_ASSOC)) {
o echo "\t<tr>\n";
o foreach ($line as $col_value) {
o echo "\t\t<td>$col_value</td>\n";
o }
o echo "\t</tr>\n";
o }
o echo "</table>\n";
o // Free resultset
o pg_free_result($result);
o // Closing connection
o pg_close($dbconn);
o ?>
· Figure out why php won’t connect to postgresql
o can not connect and no error (so php not working)
o log is in /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_log
o LOG: could not connect to Ident server at address "", port 113: Connection refused
o FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "postgres"
o pg_hba.conf has sameuser which is supposed to mean that the linux and db user names are the same
o Steve <ksobrien AT pcisys.net>04 Jan 2006 0:50:43
o Even though you add wide-open access permission in the pg_hba.conf file like this: host all all trust
o You will still be unable to connect to the database with a PHP (or whatever language) program and an Apache httpd server unless you add an "apache" (or whatever user your httpd daemon is running as) user to PostgreSQL thus:
o su - postgres
o createuser apache
o Of course, be sure you GRANT SELECT ON table TO APACHE; to give the apache user permission to actually read data.
o I assigned pw postgres to user postgres
o Modified /var/lib/pgsql/data/ pg_hba.conf to change host all all ident sameuser to
o host all all trust
o run testpg.php – works
o BOTTOM LINE – I could only get this to work if I used trusted mode. I know Martin specified PAM SOTP, but I don’t know how this works
· Install Moodle
o http://docs.moodle.org/en/Step-by-step_Install_Guide_for_Ubuntu#Install_Postgresql_.28skip_MySQL.29
o http://docs.moodle.org/en/Installing_Moodle#Creating_an_empty_database
o # su - postgres
o > psql -c "create user moodleuser createdb;" template1 – worked
o > psql -c "create database moodle with encoding 'unicode';" -U moodleuser template1 – failed on authentication (Ident authentication failed for user "moodleuser")
o createdb -E utf8 -O moodleuser moodle – worked
o > psql -c "alter user moodleuser nocreatedb;" template1 (alter user moodleuser nocreatedb;) – worked
o > psql -c "alter user moodleuser with encrypted password 'moodle';" template1 (alter user moodleuser with encrypted password 'moodle';) – worked
o > su - root
o # /etc/init.d/postgresql reload
· Finish moodle install
o Modified /etc/php.ini according to http://docs.moodle.org/en/Installing_Moodle (docs seem to have 0 and 1 where file has off and on; I mostly followed the docs, which worked.)
o Created /var/moodledata (NOT NECESSARY)
o chown -R nobody:apache moodledata
o chmod -R 0770 moodledata
o looks like the package already created /var/www/moodle/data with appropriate permissions so above was not necessary
o /var/www/moodle/web/config.php has mysql as db – I changed to postgres
o - Error: Database connection failed
o modified host, dbname, user, and password in config.php
o now does redirect to http://localhost/moodle/admin/index.php )because wwwroot = 'http://localhost/moodle'June 20, 2008
o now redirects to - gives error DB Type: postgres not supported by XMLDDB
o click continue – repeats error
o N.B> changed dbtype to 'postgres7' (!?) – now gets past error (didn’t read fine print)
o Database was successfully upgraded
o (should have taken unattended installation)
o workshop tables have been set up correctly
o truefalse tables have been set up correctly
o Database was successfully upgraded (x2)
o Various tables
o Create admin (admin/moodle)
o Seems to be installed and running.
· Set up cron
o This still needs to be done
----- Original Message -----
From: Tony Pearson
To: Tim Moody
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 1:08 PM
Subject: PostgreSQL + Moodle
Please share me your procedures. If you have written down any notes, or have any "gotcha's" I should try to avoid, please provide me. I will be doing this week to send the computer off this Monday.
From: "Tim Moody" <timmoody at sympatico.ca>
Subject: Re: [Server-devel] XS SW
To: <server-devel at lists.laptop.org>
Message-ID: <000701c8d58e$4f981b60$0b00a8c0 at saturn>
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Got throught the moodle + postgre install. I'll now play with setting up
some courses and users.
I cheated on the authentication as I don't know how PAM SOTP works; I just
set the authentication to trusted.
Tony Pearson
Senior Storage Consultant, IBM System Storage™
Telephone: +1 520-799-4309 | tie 321-4309 | Cell: +1 520 990-8669
email: tpearson at us.ibm.com | GSA: http://tucgsa.ibm.com/~tpearson
Blog: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/blogs/page/InsideSystemStorage
AKA: 990tony Paravane, eightbar specialist
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