[Server-devel] Testing EduBlog
Tarun Pondicherry
tarunpondicherry at gmail.com
Wed Jul 30 04:40:39 EDT 2008
Hi SJ,
I'll put it up on the wiki. The live version is still a bit volatile,
is a video or slideshow okay? Otherwise, I'll transfer the latest
stable to the main site for you to give a live demo.
Samuel Klein wrote:
> I'd like to show off the state of the edublog this Friday over lunch
> -- Tarun, is there a short 3-minute demo that you'd like me to give?
> SJ
> On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 6:13 PM, Greg Smith <gregsmitholpc at gmail.com
> <mailto:gregsmitholpc at gmail.com>> wrote:
> Hi Pablo,
> Looks good! Thanks for helping us clarify the final steps before
> Beta and for lining up the beta sites!
> I copied in the server list and I'll let Tarun comment on any that
> he can address.
> My only comment is that I would like to make it work without login
> needed by students but we can solve that later if its not ready in
> the first pass.
> Also for Tarun et al. Pablo is creating a home page with doc on
> EduBlog for the beta: http://wiki.laptop.org/go/EduBlog
> If we can easily update browse-new (maybe browse-new2?) to use
> that as its home page it will facilitate making this easy.
> Thanks,
> Greg S
> Pablo Flores wrote:
> I've just done a test sequence on EduBlog and have a lot of
> comments and
> questions, so let's start step by step...
> *Creating a new blog
> *
> - The login page isn't in spanish
> - I'm not sure how to manage users with EduBlog.... I think
> we should
> start a wiki page to start documenting (and discussing it).
> Volunteers? :-)
> - In the "Adding a new OU blog" form, I can't access the
> "Manage Remote
> Blogs" button, it takes me to a page that says "Sorry, but
> you do not
> currently have permissions to do that
> ([[oublog:manageremoteblogs]]) More
> information about this
> error<http://docs.moodle.org/en/error/moodle/nopermissions>".
> *
> - It would be better if some options could be hidden, like
> "Common module
> settings".
> *New blog post*
> - From the moodle interface, I couldn't upload any picture.
> I could use
> the other interface (
> http://edublog.venango.org/test/EduBlog/moodle/mod/oublog/editpost.php?blog=2),
> but with this one I cannot select the blog to post to. *
> - I tried to upload a Write document, but I couldn't from
> any of the
> interfaces (am I doing right? I tried to upload the file as
> an image).
> I marked with * the points I find more important.
> I also would like to summarize some points of how the daily
> work would be.
> Let's see...
> - First of all, the teacher will have to get a user and
> password for the
> system.
> - The teacher creates a new blog using the interface
> http://edublog.venango.org/test/EduBlog/moodle/course/modedit.php?add=oublog&type=&course=2§ion=0&return=0
> <http://edublog.venango.org/test/EduBlog/moodle/course/modedit.php?add=oublog&type=&course=2§ion=0&return=0>
> - All of her children have to get a user and password.
> - Then, the teacher can propose some work to be done, for
> which children
> will have to make their posts to the blog. To do so,
> children will have to
> access to the blog page (the moodle one), and click on "New
> blog post".
> - As children submit their posts, the teacher will be able
> to see them in
> the blog page. Children will only see their own posts and
> the ones already
> approved by the teacher. Question: How can a child know if
> his post was
> approved?
> - The approved posts will go public, depending on the
> configuration: If
> there is a remote blog configured (blogspot for instance),
> they will appear
> there. If it's local only, it will be seen by others,
> depending on the
> visibility configuration of the blog.
> All agree with this?
> Saludos,
> Pablo Flores
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