[Server-devel] Changing to symple rsync for XO laptop backup

Tony Pearson tpearson at us.ibm.com
Mon Feb 25 10:27:24 EST 2008

While the "rsnapshot" looks good for our Nepal school/firewall/backup 
configuration, it assumes that both the client and server are continuously 
running, which we know is not true for the XO laptops themselves.

I am thinking of developing instead a script that performs a once-a-day 
rsync to the schoolserver.  This would probably not be able to run at 
startup, but rather a cron job that checks to see if the XO is connected 
to the school server, and has not backed up today yet, and performs the 
"rsync" at that time.

Let me know if anyone else is working on anything like this to avoid 
re-inventing the wheel.


Tony Pearson
Senior Storage Consultant, IBM System Storage?
Telephone: +1 520-799-4309 |  tie 321-4309 |  Cell: +1 520 990-8669
email: tpearson at us.ibm.com |  GSA: http://tucgsa.ibm.com/~tpearson
Blog: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/blogs/page/InsideSystemStorage
AKA: 990tony Paravane, eightbar specialist 

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