[Server-devel] License for XS work?

Tony Pearson tpearson at us.ibm.com
Mon Feb 18 20:11:55 EST 2008

Is there a "preferred" open source license for our scripting 
contributions?  I see that Ixo (http://wiki.laptop.org/go/User:Ixo/Script)
chose CC-BY-SA-NC which is not very compatible with GPL and surprised it 
to be used in this manner.  I normally associate
Creative Commons with creating content, photography, music, and so on, not 
open source code.  It would seem that any script
under CC-BY-SA-NC can't be pre-installed on any XO laptop sold by OLPC, it 
would always have to be installed individually afterwards.

I thought of this today when I heard about the problems over at the 
OpenSolaris community:

Having lived through the IBM/SCO lawsuit debacle, I want to make sure we 
are doing something everyone can agree to. 
I suggest GPL v3 unless someone else has a better suggestion, which would 
allow scripts we develop to be incorporated
into future XO or XS machines sold by OLPC.


Tony Pearson
Senior Storage Consultant, IBM System Storage™
Telephone: +1 520-799-4309 |  tie 321-4309 |  Cell: +1 520 990-8669
email: tpearson at us.ibm.com |  GSA: http://tucgsa.ibm.com/~tpearson
Blog: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/blogs/page/InsideSystemStorage 
AKA: 990tony Paravane, eightbar specialist 

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