[Server-devel] XS 0.5 Second Attempt at eth1

Anna aschoolf at gmail.com
Thu Dec 4 20:08:54 EST 2008

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 6:29 PM, Jerry Vonau <jvonau at shaw.ca> wrote:

> OK, I'm out of ideas, lets see if we can configure eth1 without bonding,
> not sure if this is nic driver issue with bonding, or what...
> backup the ifcfg-eth1 file, copy ifcfg-landbond0, ifcfg-lanbond0:1
> ifcfg-lanbond0:2 and to ifcfg-eth1, ifcfg-eth1:1 ifcfg-eth1:2 respectively.
> edit the ifcfg-eth1* files changing the device line to match the new name,
> eth1 eth1:1 eth1:2.
> Please stop the network before editing the files.
> Jerry

W00t!  That did it.  I'm emailing from my Ubuntu machine on:

eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:0f:1f:80:0d:ea
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::20f:1fff:fe80:dea/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:49210 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:47393 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:2059 txqueuelen:10
          RX bytes:27778611 (26.4 MB)  TX bytes:8279042 (7.8 MB)
          Base address:0xdf40 Memory:feae0000-feb00000

My wifi AP is up and running and an XO pulled  Obviously
there's a hub in the middle.

Oh, here's the latest output of ethtool eth1:

[root at schoolserver1 ~]# ethtool eth1
Settings for eth1:
    Supported ports: [ TP ]
    Supported link modes:   10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
                            100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
    Supports auto-negotiation: Yes
    Advertised link modes:  10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
                            100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
    Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
    Speed: 10Mb/s
    Duplex: Half
    Port: Twisted Pair
    PHYAD: 0
    Transceiver: internal
    Auto-negotiation: on
    Supports Wake-on: umbg
    Wake-on: g
    Current message level: 0x00000007 (7)
    Link detected: yes

So, what are the repercussions of this?

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