[Server-devel] [OLPC-GSoC] Congratulations to the winners - and to the rest

Shikhar shikhar at schmizz.net
Wed Apr 23 09:11:36 EDT 2008

I agree; even I'd like to do my project anyway (Email client). That 
there is support from OLPC is very encouraging.

I just have this pesky internship requirement from my university which 
has to be fulfilled this summer but hopefully OLPC would be good with 
considering me a 'remote intern'

Let's see :-)

crosvera wrote:
> Hello people:
> Frist I need to congratulate the people who are selected 
> Second, me like a rejected student, I was thinking that I will develop 
> my app anyway, because the main idea of GSoC is get involved and keep 
> helping. So for that reason I think that me an every 
> rejected-GSoC-Student needs keep going with the OLPC project and 
> helping :)
> Cheers... and congratulation again for the selected students :)
> see you... soon!
> On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 7:03 PM, Samuel Klein <meta.sj at gmail.com 
> <mailto:meta.sj at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Thank you to everyone who applied; we had roughly 35 great
>     applications this year, all of which will receive laptops via our
>     developer's program.  I've also proposed that OLPC fund some of
>     the other top-ranked applications, and a few of you have been
>     asked about taking on an OLPC internships instead.
>     The application and discussion process has been great for
>     brainstorming, and for matching potential mentors with coding
>     experience with new developers -- this has been the best part of
>     the month so far for me.  Within OLPC, we have spent many fruitful
>     evenings discussing where some of the proposed activities or
>     projects fall within the framework of existing efforts (some of
>     the results of which have made their way to the list).
>     On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 1:35 PM, Jameson Chema Quinn
>     <jquinn at cs.oberlin.edu <mailto:jquinn at cs.oberlin.edu>> wrote:
>         Of course, the automatic dev program enrollment and laptop
>         would be great, and if actual internships are in the offing
>         that would be great too; but I am talking here about some
>         official title/award (words for your resume) for those that
>         complete a project off some list of "we agree, this is a great
>         idea, and we have a mentor for you". (This is not just a hint
>         for my own benefit - actually, as an older student, this would
>         be less important for me than what I imagine it would be for
>         the younger students with good projects).
>     I couldn't agree more :)  We are setting up such a program,
>     specially for the great activity proposals, which we hope will
>     become more common over the course of the year and not only in
>     summertime; stay tuned.
>     SJ
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> -- 
> Carlos Ríos V.
> Estudiante de Ing. de Ejec. en Comp. e Inf.
> Universidad del Bío-Bío
> VIII Región, Chile
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