[Server-devel] Mesh connectivity from regular WiFi gear

Holger Levsen holger at layer-acht.org
Mon Apr 21 19:13:08 EDT 2008


On Tuesday 15 April 2008 19:11, Martin Langhoff wrote:
> what do we know about the possibility of connecting to our active
> antennaes with regular WiFi hardware, perhaps from OTS laptops using
> linux?

using ralink wireless chips its now possible to use 802.11s in software, see 
http://open80211s.org/ - work on other chipsets is in progress.

Some openwrt developers (cc:ed) discussed last week to create an openwrt image 
for popular routers which usbports, for ralink wireless sticks. (IIUC)

Has someone already tested the XO mesh with ralink sticks and open80211s.org?


This page explains how to set up a mesh network using open80211s and a Airlink 
101 USB wireless adapter, Model:AWLL3026. 
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