[Server-devel] Server Configuration

John Watlington wad at laptop.org
Tue Jun 19 22:29:31 EDT 2007

We need to finalize the plans for configuring the server software.    
This has two components:
- Common configuration
- Machine specific configuration

The common configuration are the configuration changes to FC7  
software packages in order
to customize them for our setup.   This is the subject of this email.

The machine specific configuration is the method by which a stock  
school server is configured
for a particular school.  It will reconfigure the WAN networking,  
server name, and how the server
identifies itself to the remote monitoring system.
Solutions for this are being considered by Scott Ananian.  He can  
report separately.

The approach that Holger is currently building for common  
configuration is built around FAI.

 From holger:
> The mirror is now updated from the user mirror, via a cronjob at  
> 6am BST
> daily. It carries fc6, f7 and updates now, ppc, i386 and source.
> The live-installer cd is build daily at 8am BST by a cronjob  
> running as
> builder user, the results are put online at
> http://xs-dev.laptop.org/xs-live-installer/
> The configuration files, scripts and crontabs reside in
> git://dev.laptop.org/projects/fai-config/fedora/mirror and .../live- 
> installer
> (I'm not sure if they should be in that git repo forever, but for  
> now, it was
> a quick solution.)

FAI allows us to perform the configuration by running post install  

The alternative approach that I had been proposing was to build rpm  
that depended on the "stock" FC7 package and included these post  
install scripts.

Comments ?

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