[OLPC Security] Anti-theft and Anti-Sale ideas for Nepal
Simson Garfinkel
simsong at acm.org
Sun Feb 18 12:59:34 EST 2007
On Feb 18, 2007, at 12:04 PM, Bryan Berry wrote:
> >This is exactly how P_THEFT is already specified; normally we _also_
> >provide a lease expiry system.
> Basically, I am trying to say that the expiry system wouldn't work
> for Nepal because of connectivity issues.
> >> 2) We could hard code a national identifier into the laptop's MAC
> >> address. The laptop could periodically check it's national
> identifier
> >> against it's Internet gateway. If it is no longer in Nepal, say
> Bangkok
> >> or Delhi, it disables itself.
The problem with this approach is that the laptop would also not
function at an Internet cafe, where the national identifier might not
be present on the Internet gateway.
Another problem with this proposal is that the laptop may never see
the MAC of the Internet gateway, due to the mesh network.
> >This is technically trivial, should a country request it, but has a
> >bunch of social implications. What if the kids go on a field trip,
> for
> >example?
> Ivan, thanks for your reply
> Nepali kids in public schools don't have any school field trips, as
> far as I am aware. This technically trivial solution could
> seriously dampen the resale market for XO's. Kids in private
> schools could get XO's w/out this country specific feature.
How would your proposal dampen the resale market of the XOs to a
greater extent than the current system?
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