Fwd: [OLPC Security] Securing the laptop: First pass for some basics.

Tim Flavin tim.flavin at gmail.com
Sat Jul 15 16:39:08 EDT 2006

Note that I didn't understand what Simson was saying  in the second section,
I figured it out in a later exchange.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tim Flavin
Date: Jul 11, 2006 3:06 PM
Subject: Re: [OLPC Security] Securing the laptop: First pass for some basics.
To: Simson Garfinkel

On 7/11/06, Simson Garfinkel wrote:

> I think that it makes sense to:
>         -> Verify the programs at time of install.
>         -> Have an option that allows the computer to "verify itself," but
> don't run it on a regular basis.

I was thinking the student would want to do this about once a week
when he was at school and had access to a server with backup files,
and whenever his laptop was miss-behaving. (This is being optimistic,
most people, including me, don't integrity check their systems this
often, if ever.)

>         -> Have an option that allows one computer to verify another
> computer. The second computer runs in some sort of "slave" mode (like
> booting a Mac with the T key held down to put it in target mode.)
> The root kit etc. on the second computer won't have a chance to run
> in this configuration.

I don't think the laptop has the hardware to permit this.  It does have a
write protected BIOS.  (It can be manually write-enabled at boot, and what
I am discussing does not protect against a modified BIOS.)  I was proposing
that the Linux BIOS be able to do an integrity check of the regular
kernel and initrd, and
that they be able to verify the rest of the system.

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