[Repairs] Repair center howto

Mel Chua mel at melchua.com
Mon Jun 23 18:30:53 EDT 2008

Over stuffed pizza in Chicago last night, the question of "what do you 
need to start a repair center?" came up (yes, again).

Since we don't have something like the [[Developers program]] process in 
place yet, I drafted up notes from the conversation in the form of one 
possible "here's how you might start one, and what the interface between 
(potential) repair centers and OLPC might look like" page.


Thoughts? How useful would this be if it were real? What would need to 
happen (from both sides) to put it in place?

We'll be trying to test out these procedures with a few fledgling repair 
centers in the Chicago area this summer, if local groups are willing. ;)


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