[OLPC_Boston] OLPC Palestine

Robert Frank rfrank at ccebos.org
Thu Jun 25 10:51:10 EDT 2009

Hi, Seth and Ayman. I thought you'd be interested in reading one of the
contributions coming from a Palestinian woman, in the Google Group for
this summer's University of the Middle East attendees (who are all
teachers from the Middle East and North Africa). I had asked them to
tell me about their current use of technology in the classroom, as well
as what they'd heard about OLPC and the XO. There has been quite a range
of answers, but here's that Palestinian woman from today's discussion:


According to XO computer, I didn't hear about it, but to have a
onelaptop per child it's 
a wonderful idea but it's difficult to apply in our schools as it costs
much, but I think one day children will get rid of books and substitute
it with 
laptops which will be great 

There is brewing excitement about the July 22 class featuring OLPC and
the XO.



Bob Frank


Robert Frank
Director, Communications and Technology
Center for Collaborative Education
1135 Tremont St., Ste. 490
Boston, MA 02120
Tel. 617-421-0134 ext. 285 


From: Ayman Qarout [mailto:qarout88 at gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2009 3:05 PM
To: Robert Frank; olpc_boston at lists.laptop.org
Subject: Re: [OLPC_Boston] OLPC Palestine


Hey Robert,

Thanks for your response, and I hope you the best with OLPC Boston
I hope we can stay in touch and learn from you

Thank you,

Ayman Qarout
Business Administration Department- Birzeit University
Ramallah - Palestine
+972 59 8 153 790

On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 7:27 PM, Robert Frank <rfrank at ccebos.org> wrote:

Hello, Ayman.

I'll be teaching a 3-hour technology course this July at the Teacher
Education Institute (TEI) of the University of the Middle East Project.
It's a program I've taught in for something like the past 8 summers
(although it didn't run in 2008 due to funding problems). The students
in the TEI are teachers from 8 Middle Eastern and North African
countries, including Palestine.


This year, with major help from the Boston OLPC, the program will focus
on OLPC and with a hands-on introduction to the XO laptop. Three of the
high school teachers this summer are from the West Bank, 2 science
teachers and a computer sciences teacher.


Please keep me informed on plans you are engaged in for Palestine.


Best wishes,


Robert Frank
Director, Communications and Technology
Center for Collaborative Education
1135 Tremont St., Ste. 490
Boston, MA 02120
Tel. 617-421-0134 ext. 285 


From: olpc_boston-bounces at lists.laptop.org
[mailto:olpc_boston-bounces at lists.laptop.org] On Behalf Of Ayman Qarout
Sent: Sunday, May 24, 2009 4:41 AM

To: olpc_boston at lists.laptop.org
Subject: [OLPC_Boston] OLPC Palestine


Hey guys,

I'm Ayman, a member of the newly established OLPC group in Palestine.

Infact i'm here to see what have you done tell now and learn of your
experience; so can anybody post and tell me in short what have you done
yet and what you achieved ? I'll be very thankful for your help 


Thank you


Ayman Qarout


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