[Olpc-za] Radijojo Olpc

robert.king at radijojo.de robert.king at radijojo.de
Wed May 26 08:23:57 EDT 2010


My name is Robert King and I am writing to you on behalf of the Radijojo-Global Children's Radio project "We are Discovering the World"http://www.radijojo.de/WCN_neu/

Radijojo is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation committed to education and communication between the children of the world and has recently completed projects between schools in Germany and Thailand, India and the Kyrgyz Republic; adding to the list of international programs made by kids for kids.These projects can be accessed on the Radijojo web-site and have  been awarded by UNESCO, UNICEF, EU-commission and the German government. 

We are very interested in working together with schools and educational establishments that are participating in the 'One Laptop Per Child' project which we are also participating in http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Global_projects and would like to know if we could exchange recorded audio material with you (video material would also be good) for use on the Radijojo web-site.We can also supply you with material from projects Radijojo has participated in for use in the classroom.

If you could put me in contact with any teachers or educational staff who would be interested in working together on such a project it would be fantastic.

Thank you for your attention

With kind regards

Robert King 

radijojo / world childrens radio network

tel.:       +49 (0) 30 2804 1795
fax:       +49 (0) 30 2804 1825
mail:     redaktion at radijojo.de

radijojo gGmbh
haus der jugend
reinickendorferstr. 55
13347 berlin


radijojo ist träger der freien jugendhilfe


deutschsprachiger livestream: www.radijojo.de

via digitalradio dab 24/7

d / a / ch:
über 25 ukw partnersender

via pacifica und prx-
public radio exachange

über partnersender YNBS
mo. - fr. 10.00 - 10.30 uhr

euchira schirmherrin
dr. angela merkel

radijojo schirmherr
daniel barenboim

chefredakteur und gründer, V.i.S.d.P.)
thomas röhlinger, dipl.-soz., mba

stefan hopfgarten

bank für sozialwirtschaft
kto:  333 69 00
blz:  100 205 00

HRB 90800
amtsgericht charlottenburg

finanzamt für körperschaften I
steuernummer: 27/602/50171
sitz der gesellschaft
berlin gGmbH

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