[Olpc-za] Cool education project of the day

Antoine van Gelder children at laptop.org.za
Thu May 17 14:14:37 EDT 2007

Peter Henning wrote:
> Two projects I'd love to see on OLPC:
>    http://scratch.mit.edu/
>    http://alice.org/
> One's new (Scratch, from MIT) and the other's quite old (Alice, from
> CMU). Scratch is already muttering about OLPC support, and Alice is
> apparently tinkering with a Linux version which gets you halfway to
> OLPC. Currently they both run on Mac OS X and Windows. We use Alice to
> teach OO programming to 10-13 year olds.

Scratch runs on top of eToys/Squeak which is part of the default 
distribution so I'll be very surprised if we don't see it pop up on one 
of the builds quite soon.

Alice is new to me, looks _absolutely_ amazing - the XO hasn't got any 
3D acceleration hardware though so it might have to wait for the next 
version of the laptop!

 - antoine

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