[Olpc-uk] [cbigenho at hotmail.com: Re: [support-gang] Fwd: Caught in a Ponzi scheme]

Martin Dengler martin at martindengler.com
Thu Jun 18 21:16:15 EDT 2009

This is *key* for the Contributor's program proposal, I'd say:

----- Forwarded message from Caryl Bigenho <cbigenho at hotmail.com> -----
> [...] I have to admit [getting XOs to a pilot school to "hook" the
> parents/school/community] is sort of what I had in mind when I
> encouraged Yama to get a pilot school started in Bolivia, in an area
> not in but near La Paz, where teachers could come to see the XOs in
> action.  But, I would want lots of training and evaluation to happen
> with teachers, students, parents, and community members involved.
> That is how a grassroots movement could get started.  Sounds like
> that isn't going to happen with OLPC Corps.  Too bad.
> Caryl

Current proposal:

(click the "Edit" link and improve it, please!)


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