[Olpc-uk] Contributors' Program update

Martin Dengler martin at martindengler.com
Fri Jun 12 14:54:42 EDT 2009

Some highlights from today's meeting:

I) Two projects approved:
- 1 UK secondary school project for 10 laptops for 12 months
- 1 USA/MA <-> HN project for 2 laptops for 3-6 months

II) More applications encouraged:

19:29 < CanoeBerry> [...] plz make sure ppl all understand how easy it
                    is to email contributors at laptop.org with a
19:30 < CanoeBerry> Put http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Contributors on your
                    Bumper Sticker -- with luck OLPCnews.com will help
                    us do this very soon :)
19:30 < CanoeBerry> Finally, plz promote hardware projects around
                    XO-1.5 start very soon when those motherboards
                    will be available right here thru CP.

Meeting archives:

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