[Sur] [IAEP] [SLOB] Action required: Devin Ulibarri travel/stipend

Caryl Bigenho cbigenho en hotmail.com
Mie Mayo 9 13:05:26 EDT 2018

Community feedback here....

I wondered about the original $50 allowed for expenses... it seemed unrealistically low at the time... guess I should have said something then!

Of course he should be able to use the honorarium to defray his costs!


From: IAEP <iaep-bounces en lists.sugarlabs.org> on behalf of Samson Goddy <samsongoddy en sugarlabs.org>
Sent: Wednesday, May 9, 2018 8:33:25 AM
To: Walter Bender
Cc: iaep; Sugar-dev Devel; OLPC para usuarios, docentes, voluntarios y administradores; SLOBs
Subject: Re: [IAEP] [SLOB] Action required: Devin Ulibarri travel/stipend


- Samson

On Wed, May 9, 2018 at 3:35 PM, Walter Bender <walter.bender en gmail.com<mailto:walter.bender en gmail.com>> wrote:
I was hoping to discuss this at the May meeting, but no one was able to attend that meeting.

Devin went to Japan to run some Music Blocks workshops. We had allocated a budget for him was US $1200 for his ticket and US $50 for local expenses (See [1]). Devin incurred some additional expenses above and beyond what we budgeted -- extra local travel and some equipment needed for the workshops (speakers).

One of the schools he visited -- the Yokohama Science Frontiers school -- offered Devin an honorarium of ~US $500, which they sent to the SFC.  ,These funds would cover his additional costs. The SFC won't release this money without our approval. It would amount to US $450 after the 10% allocation by the SFC.

Motion: Approve the payment of US $450 as an honorarium to Devin Ulibarri for his workshops in Japan.

I don't think there is anything controversial here, but of course, your feedback (and community feedback) is most appreciated.

Someone would have to second this motion so that we can vote on it.



[1] https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Oversight_Board/Decisions#2018-01-09<https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwiki.sugarlabs.org%2Fgo%2FOversight_Board%2FDecisions%232018-01-09&data=02%7C01%7C%7Cc1d21df9bebb49b8f6b308d5b5c237e0%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C636614768120843576&sdata=MzrFbL79FXTywOc%2Bo75G1R9BZ8Hi7CpalPZieF1M%2FqE%3D&reserved=0>

Walter Bender
Sugar Labs

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
IAEP en lists.sugarlabs.org<mailto:IAEP en lists.sugarlabs.org>

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