[Sur] [SLOB] another motion (Quispe trip to Translation Summit)

Walter Bender walter.bender en gmail.com
Jue Mayo 12 09:59:58 EDT 2016

I realize that we never actually had a formal motion for this as we got
side-tracked by the i18n manager discussion (See [1]).

Background: Edgar Quispe had requested funds to attend the Traducción e
interpretación en las lenguas originarias del Perú meeting in Lima. The
total cost of the trip was expected to be ~$200. In fact it came to
$168.88. The purpose of the visit was for Edgar to share his experience
with Aymara i18n for Sugar Labs with speakers of other indigenous languages
in the region. Note that this was pre-approved by Chris Leonard and Walter
Bender as appropriate and relevant to our i18n efforts under the Trip
Advisor grant and brought up for discussion at the 1 April SLOB meeting.
Edgar's report is at [2].

Motion: to reimburse Edgar Quispe for expenses incurred representing Sugar
Labs at the Traducción e interpretación en las lenguas originarias del Perú
meeting in Lima. The cost is $168.88.


[1] http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/iaep/2016-March/017787.html

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Accounting at Software Freedom Conservancy <
accounting at sfconservancy.org>
Date: Wed, May 11, 2016 at 8:08 PM
Subject: approval details for Quispe-Chambi trip expenses? (was: Fwd:
Solicitud de auspicio de pasajes)
To: sugar at sfconservancy.org

I'm submitting tonight to Conservancy internal approval process Edgar
Quispe Chambi's reimbursement request of US$161.88.

However, I am unable to find SLOBs approval, so the reimbursement may be
rejected because of this.  The information I have is:

El mar. 18, 2016 5:52 AM, "Walter Bender" <walter.bender at gmail.com>
>> Chris and I approved the travel. We will get formal approval from the
>> SLOB but there is no time to wait. Please keep your receipts so that
>> we can reimburse you. Sorry that there is no time to get you a travel
>> advance.

I assume based on that statements and the one below that at sometime
between March 18th and April 15th, there was a formal SLOBs approval.
Can someone send that along, please?  A URL link to the SLOBs minutes
where it was approved are fine.


Bradley M. Kuhn
President & Distinguished Technologist of Software Freedom Conservancy
 |------> & also, de-facto Bookkeeper since we can't afford to hire one.
Pls donate so we can increase staff: https://sfconservancy.org/supporter/

Walter Bender
Sugar Labs
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