[Sur] [IAEP] Sugar oversight board meeting

Sebastian Silva sebastian en fuentelibre.org
Mie Nov 6 18:21:22 EST 2013

El 06/11/13 17:35, Sean DALY escribió:
> On Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 11:05 PM, Peter Robinson <pbrobinson en gmail.com 
> <mailto:pbrobinson en gmail.com>> wrote:
>     But you have for a long time refused to actually even market SoaS!
> That's right, at the time SoaS became an official Fedora spin, Mel and 
> Sebastian decided to take over marketing, which included coming up 
> with unmarketable names, linking with Fedora announcements, and 
> opening a Fedora hosted minisite (the "home" of SoaS), none of which 
> was done with any consultation of the SL marketing team.
Please try to include last names, you mean Sebastian Dzallas, original 
developer of "Sugar On A Stick".

Now that we're on the topic... the concept "Sugar On A Stick" has 
several problems.

1.- It suggests it's the only possible Sugar OS on a USB.
2.- It suggests it's not a serious OS to be installed on a computer.
3.- It's impossible to translate.
4.- It suggests it's not regular GNU/Linux, with availability of the 
Myriad other GNU/Linux educational tools.

Sebastian Silva
R+D SomosAzúcar
Sugar Labs Perú

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