[Sur] [ASLO] Nueva version AEIOU-5

Juana Castillo castillojuana2 en gmail.com
Mie Feb 6 19:32:25 EST 2013


2013/2/6 Sugar Labs Activities <activities en sugarlabs.org>

> Página web de la actividad:
> http://activities.sugarlabs.org/addon/4626
> Sugar Platform:
> 0.96 - 0.98
> Descargar ahora:
> http://activities.sugarlabs.org/downloads/file/28474/aeiou-5.xo
> Notas de la versión:
> 5 (for GTK3)
> Enhancements based on feedback from .NI:
> * Level 1: add the uppercase and lowercase letters
> * Level 2: link the name of the letter and its image;
>   for example: The XO says: "A" de "Ave", "E" de Elefante
> * Change the background color to one of the XO colors
> * Add visual to feedback for Levels 3 and 4
> * Don't repeat letter until all letters seen
> Sugar Labs Activities
> http://activities.sugarlabs.org
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