[Sur] [ASLO] Nueva version Learn-61

Sugar Labs Activities activities en sugarlabs.org
Jue Nov 8 20:46:24 EST 2012

Página web de la actividad:

Sugar Platform:
0.84 - 0.96

Descargar ahora:

Notas de la versión:
This release works with a modified content organization. It launches the localhost at boot time. This enables the library on the school server to be accessed from the Browse Activity on 12.0.1 and later releases.

The Learn Activity is not supported on XO-1.75 (Firefox is not compatible with the Arm processor).

It does not operate on 0.82 because of Rainbow. There is a work around but I no longer have an XO with 0.82 to test. Contact the maintainer if you need this capability.

Sugar Labs Activities

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