[Sur] Photos Montevideo: 1.edu and eduJAM!!
Caryl Bigenho
cbigenho en hotmail.com
Lun Mayo 21 15:17:54 EDT 2012
Thanks for posting these, Ruben! Looks like we missed a great conference and a lot of fun. It would be great if someone could tag the photos with names. I recognized some of the people,but would love to know who else I am looking at. If Quidam doesn't allow this, maybe you could post a few on FaceBook and ask folks to go there and tag themselves.
> From: ruben en activitycentral.com
> Date: Mon, 21 May 2012 19:07:02 +0200
> To: Team en lists.activitycentral.com; iaep en lists.sugarlabs.org; olpc-sur en lists.laptop.org
> Subject: [Sur] Photos Montevideo: 1.edu and eduJAM!!
> Shameless cross-post of my photos from Montevideo: 1.edu, eduJAM!! & Code Sprint
> Desvergonzado envío-cruzado de mis fotos de Montevideo: 1.edu,
> eduJAM!! y Code Sprint
> http://quidam.cc/fotos/21-05-2012/montevideo-1edu-edujam-code-sprint
> Use them under CC-by license where you want, just link back to me. :)
> Usadlas donde querais bajo licencia CC-by, poniendo el enlace.
> --
> Rubén Rodríguez - ActivityCentral.com
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