[Sur] [ASLO] Nueva version TurtleBots-8

Sugar Labs Activities activities en sugarlabs.org
Vie Abr 13 09:35:48 EDT 2012

Página web de la actividad:

Sugar Platform:
0.84 - 0.96

Descargar ahora:

Notas de la versión:
-Some cleans on Sumtia plugin
-Pep8 fixes for Sumtia plugin
-Uses the new NXT plugin
-Some cleans on Butia plugin
-Fix get battery typo
-Add validations when butia object is no created
-Use blk.refresh instead blk.set_color()
-Fix error with the INIT command
-Improve the time of detect that the robot is unplugged
-Add bobot_launch to a thread 
-Improve the time of activity opens.
-Uses TurtleArt 138+

Sugar Labs Activities

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