[Sur] Sugar Commander

Alan Jhonn Aguiar Schwyn alanjas en hotmail.com
Lun Jul 25 02:33:50 EDT 2011

I just want to say: I agree...

> To: mokurai en earthtreasury.org
> Subject: Re: Sugar Commander 
> Date: Sun, 24 Jul 2011 22:23:42 -0700
> From: gnu en toad.com
> CC: devel en lists.laptop.org; walter.bender en gmail.com; object404 en gmail.com
> > >> I'm sorry, I don't mean to ruffle any feathers, but the flat journal
> > >> is a really broken model when you stick in a USB stick with 2000+
> The flat journal worked great on 8" floppies.  It was obsoleted
> in 1982 or so.
> The whole emphasis on the "journal as filesystem interface" was
> another of those grand OLPC experiments.  Unfortunately, unlike the
> mesh, its failure was not followed by junking it and replacing it with
> "what every other computer does -- what works".  This journalism
> religion is also a major reason why kids can't read or edit the source
> code of the OLPC -- because it isn't visible in a journal, and if it
> was in there, it would be painful or impossible to find or organize.
> > The new Unity 2D UI that Ubuntu defaults to makes the same decision,
> > and it works well.
> It works so well that I won't be using Ubuntu in the next release,
> because they are forcing everyone to run Unity, I think on the theory
> that if they force enough people to use it, some of them will fix all
> the bugs and misfeatures in it.  Unfortunately for them, this is not
> a market where they have any power to compel users; we'll just go
> elsewhere.
> 	John
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