[Sur] Fwd: [peru-digital] One Laptop per Child: Peru puts OLPC sculpture on the gate of its Education Ministry; in Uruguay every child has it!
Christoph Derndorfer
christoph.derndorfer en gmail.com
Mar Ago 9 14:52:34 EDT 2011
Hola Kiko,
q tal, todo bien por allí? :-)
Tienen una XO enfrente del edificio nuevo, hay una imagen en
Saludos desde Austria,
On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 8:35 PM, kikomayorga <kiko en escuelab.org> wrote:
> el otro día me acordé de haber leído algo sobre esto y pensé que lo habría
> soñado.... es verdad que van a poner una olpc gigante encima del nuevo
> edificio del ministerio de educación de perú???
> alguien tiene un link a info sobre eso por favor?
> Kiko Mayorga
> i+d ata/escuelab.org
> On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 11:06 AM, Sebastian Silva <
> sebastian en somosazucar.org> wrote:
>> -------- Mensaje original -------- Asunto: [peru-digital] Fwd: [witfor]
>> One Laptop per Child: Peru puts OLPC sculpture on the gate of its Education
>> Ministry; in Uruguay every child has it! Fecha: Tue, 9 Aug 2011 14:30:37
>> +0000 (GMT) De: Eiko Kawamura <eiko.kawamura en gmail.com><eiko.kawamura en gmail.com> Responder-a::
>> Peru Digital: Espacio de Dialogo para un Peru Digital
>> <peru-digital en dgroups.org> <peru-digital en dgroups.org> A: Peru Digital:
>> Espacio de Dialogo para un Peru Digital <peru-digital en dgroups.org><peru-digital en dgroups.org>
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Satish Jha <satish.jha en gmail.com>
>> Date: 2011/8/8
>> Subject: [witfor] One Laptop per Child: Peru puts OLPC sculpture on the
>> gate of its Education Ministry; in Uruguay every child has it!
>> To:
>> Greetings!
>> Two weeks ago, the Government of Peru, that plans to have 1 million
>> children using One laptop per Child by Dec 2011, declared OLPC as its
>> official education policy and made two symbolic gestures:
>> 1: It inaugurated its education ministry building that looks like a
>> stack of books
>> 2: Put the sculpture of OLPC at the gate of the Ministry to symbolize the
>> transformation OLPC has brought about in the Peruvian education system.
>> 3: Uruguay had earlier issued a postage stamp on OLPC and has already
>> covered EVERY SINGLE child in the country to learn with OLPC.
>> By taking the lead, India could have prepared millions of its primary
>> school children to get ready to be in the front-lines of the learning and
>> creativity endeavours. But India has chosen to do things differently where
>> policies do not reflect the educational aspirations of the poor and
>> voiceless and seldom seem to look into the future.
>> Just thought of sharing with a document that may offer an overview as we
>> read and may address any questions you may have.
>> Technologies made it possible to transmit a 50MB document instantly,
>> without burdening your mailbox.
>> Thanks and best.
>> OLPC overview extended Aug 2011.pdf<https://rcpt.yousendit.com/1190206453/45c3227d7a07aebf888c02f725061991>
>> Size: *50.88 MB* Content will be available for download until *August
>> 22, 2011 14:09 PDT*.
>> Download<https://rcpt.yousendit.com/1190206453/45c3227d7a07aebf888c02f725061991>
>> If the above link does not work, you can paste the following address
>> into your browser:
>> https://rcpt.yousendit.com/1190206453/45c3227d7a07aebf888c02f725061991
>> ------------------------------
>> [image: YouSendIt] <http://www.yousendit.com> YouSendIt, Inc.<http://www.yousendit.com>| Privacy
>> Policy <http://www.yousendit.com/aboutus/legal/privacy> 1919 S. Bascom
>> Ave., Campbell, CA 95008
>> --
>> T: +1 301 841 7422
>> F: +1 301 560 4909
>> snc
>> __._,_.___
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Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
url: www.olpcnews.com
e-mail: christoph en olpcnews.com
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