[Sur] [IAEP] How do I nominate Luke Faraone to run for Sugar Labs Oversight Board?

Carlos Rabassa carnen en mac.com
Mie Sep 22 10:13:36 EDT 2010


I usually have nothing to contribute on technical subjects,  about Sugar.

I realize it is a very important field but,  I am trying to work somewhere else,  specifically learning Etoys.

I have had,  however,  some experience in meetings and reading messages in forums.

My conclusion is that we do have a problem and a very serious one, but hopefully easy to correct:

	- We do not hear enough from teachers!!!!

	- Teachers are the link between all of us and the children, relatives, volunteers and all other teachers we all say we want to serve.

This is why I am quoting a message I just read in some of the spanish language forums,  it is in both English and Spanish:

The red larger type was changed by me to highlight what I think is the most important part of the text.


> whoa! that's a good idea indeed! how nice would it be? A place to be really heard, for thousands of teachers... to lead from the ground and not from the ivory tower(perceived or real)... To cut the middle men.... FOSS Culture at it best! if only english wouldn't be a precondition.
> greets from uruguay,
> Luis
> En español(más o menos):
> Sería realmente bueno tener un maestro que esté en una implementación de azúcar a tiempo completo en el comité de supervisión o en un rol que asegure que el comité de supervisión está escuchando a los maestros en las implementaciones.
> Mi Dios, tiene sentido ésto?
> Alguien en el llano, no técnico, para proveer una perspectiva balanceada?
> Pa! Que buena idea! Qué tan bueno podría ser eso? Un lugar para ser escuchados realmente, para miles de docentes... guiar desde el llano y no desde una torre de marfil(percibida o real)... sacar los intermediarios... lo mejor de la cultura libre! Si no fuera que el inglés es precondición...
> Saludos desde Uruguay,
> Luis


I hope you have all seen and understood the original message.

It seems to me they are talking about electing a teacher to a position in some Sugar Oversight Board.

It sounds like we do have teachers willing to participate who are locked out because of the language.

Is this correct?

If so,  how can we find a solution??

I see only three logical solutions but none of them is easy.

We all learn English.

We all learn Spanish.

We get many translators or try to domesticate some automatic translators.

Translating is not fun,  except for the very important fact that if we try to take it seriously we learn a lot about the subject matter,  Etoys in my case.

This morning I was glad to hear Mariana Herrera,  a teacher from Uruguay,  found three volunteers to translate some Etoys material.

I wonder if being translators and either teachers or closely associated to teachers, her message didn't clarify that point,  in Uruguay,  the country with the most XO computers at this time,  they might be able to come up with some solution.

If we want to make any progress,  we do have to resolve this huge but basic problem of a common language to communicate among ourselves.

Carlos Rabassa
Plan Ceibal Support Network
Montevideo, Uruguay

PS:  Please note the original message had been sent to several lists to which I do not have access.  Maybe some readers would like to transmit our message to the members of those lists. Thanks.

On Sep 22, 2010, at 9:13 AM, luis Michelena wrote:

> answer and translation beneath
> respuesta y traducción al Español abajo
> El 16/09/2010 21:40, Tabitha Roder escribió:
>> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Oversight_Board/2010-2011-candidates
>> It  would be really good to see a teacher who is in a Sugar deployment full time on the oversight board or in a role that ensures the oversight board is hearing from teachers in deployments. 
>> omg does that make sense?
>> someone on the ground who is not technical to provide a balanced perspective?
>> Tabitha
>> _______________________________________________
>> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
>> IAEP en lists.sugarlabs.org
>> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep
> whoa! that's a good idea indeed! how nice would it be? A place to be really heard, for thousands of teachers... to lead from the ground and not from the ivory tower(perceived or real)... To cut the middle men.... FOSS Culture at it best! if only english wouldn't be a precondition.
> greets from uruguay,
> Luis
> En español(más o menos):
> Sería realmente bueno tener un maestro que esté en una implementación de azúcar a tiempo completo en el comité de supervisión o en un rol que asegure que el comité de supervisión está escuchando a los maestros en las implementaciones.
> Mi Dios, tiene sentido ésto?
> Alguien en el llano, no técnico, para proveer una perspectiva balanceada?
> Pa! Que buena idea! Qué tan bueno podría ser eso? Un lugar para ser escuchados realmente, para miles de docentes... guiar desde el llano y no desde una torre de marfil(percibida o real)... sacar los intermediarios... lo mejor de la cultura libre! Si no fuera que el inglés es precondición...
> Saludos desde Uruguay,
> Luis
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