[Sur] Turtle Art Portfolio v-7

Walter Bender walter.bender en gmail.com
Vie Ene 23 07:53:24 EST 2009

I pushed a new version of the Portfolio tool (See

It has a number of improvements over the previous versions, including:

* fixing a bug that prevented the Spanish version from launching
* export of the presentation as HTML with embedded images
* more extensive use of the toolbar, including a play button

I also reworked the arithmetic operators based upon feedback from some
of the teachers on the Sur list. (Please see

If there is positive feedback in regard to these changes, I will push
them to Turtle Art as well.

Any and all feedback is most welcome. Also, please add
comments/corrections to the Activity wiki page:


Finally, I am looking for someone in the community who would like to
design some new slide layouts (or style sheets for the HTML export).



Walter Bender
Sugar Labs

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