[Sur] [OLPC-Peru] Windows en OLPC XO Peru

Daniel Ajoy da.ajoy en gmail.com
Lun Sep 15 12:11:27 EDT 2008

On Mon, 15 Sep 2008 10:06:43 -0500, Walter Bender <walter.bender en gmail.com> wrote:

> You can install both Java and Adobe Flash on Linux systems as well as
> Windows systems, so it is a misleading to argue that is a reason to
> switch to Windows. What would be a helpful exercise would be to
> itemize those Windows programs that are missing from the Linux
> repertoire that are essential to learning. Perhaps we can work on FOSS
> ports so that we can "eat our cake and have it too."

En la practica casi no importa qué se *podría* instalar en las laptops sino qué *viene* instalado en las laptops.

La otra cuestión es: ¿necesitan los maestros YouTube?
Mi respuesta es: no sé.

Sólo sé que es una de las pocas cosas que he leido que piden.

Creo que no estoy equivocado al resumir que el uso que se les da a las laptops es:

* Los niños navegan y descargan cosas.
* Los maestros piden a los niños hacer actividades con Write y Paint.

(Me gustaría que Logo pudiese cambiar esta situación un poco ya que varios maestros fueron entrenados en el uso de Logo en América Latina, quizá ellos podrían ayudar a resucitar algo de esa cultura)


In practice it doesn't matter much what *could* be installed in the laptops, but what *comes* preinstalled with the laptops.

The other issue is: do teachers need YouTube?

My answer is: I don't know.

I just know that that is one of the few things they have asked for.

I don't think I'm mistaken it summarizing the use of the laptops in this way:

* children surf and download
* Teachers ask students to work with Write and Paint.

(I wish Logo could change this situation a bit because a few teachers were trained in using Logos in Latinamerica, so they could help resurrect some of that culture)

> Regarding Logo, there is a great Logo environment being developed by
> Brian Harvey for Sugar.

That would indeed be a great addition.


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