[OLPC-SF] Eight years on...

June kleider jkleider at sonic.net
Mon Jul 11 15:30:32 EDT 2016

Well put, Sameer- thank you for all the time and energy spent keeping
this thing going through many changes. 

June Kleider

On 2016-07-11 11:11, Sameer Verma wrote:

> Greetings,
> This list, and this volunteer group has been going on for over eight
> years now (First post: Jan 24, 2008.
> http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/olpc-sf/2008-January/000000.html).
> We have formulated and modified our direction as and when the need
> arose. We are still largely a local group, as in a group of people
> local to the San Francisco Bay Area, who have projects around the
> world. We have stepped up to accommodate, and even facilitate sessions
> for non-local needs, such as the OLPC SF Community Summit 2009-2015.
> In that spirit, and to ensure that we don't pursue things to simply
> maintain tradition, we went through a brief exercise. Here are the
> proposed vision and mission statements of OLPC San Francisco, as
> worked on by the "core" group. The "core" is the group of people who
> meet monthly and help in hosting the summit.
> Vision:
> A world where children and their communities are empowered through
> education and learning.
> Misson:
> OLPC San Francisco is a community that brings together educators,
> technologists, enthusiasts, and volunteers. We share stories, exchange
> ideas, solve problems, and foster collaboration around the original
> mission of One Laptop per Child to empower communities through
> education and learning worldwide.
> So, what's new in all this? Not a whole lot. We realize that our group
> and people's interests have spilled past the OLPC and Sugar world. We
> look at not just children and learning, but their communities as well.
> This is evident in our projects that use OLPC XO laptops, but also
> other computers. They rely on the OLPC XS School Server, but also on
> RACHEL, Pathagar, SolarSPELL, and such. The list goes on.
> Most importantly, it's a reaffirmation to us in OLPC-SF and related
> projects that we'll be around for a bit longer, and we are not done as
> yet!
> Onward and upward.
> Sameer
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