[OLPC-SF] Updates re Fri, Sat, Sun

carol carol at silverlaw.biz
Wed Oct 20 18:27:55 EDT 2010

2010 Oct 20 Wednesday

Dear Sameer and all:

I hope all is well.

1.  Fully confirmed, on Friday 5-7 PM 22 October 2010, at the reception, 
we will have:
      --Entertainment by a unique San Francisco street artist,
Flat Broke Puppet Co, as well as
      --Munchies by June Kleider's catering team.

2.  Fully now confirmed:
the Mayor of San Francisco,
the Honorable Gavin Newsom,
will proclaim Saturday, 23rd of October, 2010 as
in San Francisco.
The Mayor is campaigning and will probably not be able to attend our 
conference, but he has authorized me to present the original of the 
Proclamation to Sameer Verma on Saturday.

3.  In order to get people to the Sunday reception in Bolinas, I have 
rented  a minivan, which I will drive, and which accommodates 7 
passengers including driver (maybe 2 more if skinny).  I will also have 
my own car, a 1989 Toyota Accura which someone else could drive who has 
experience with a stick shift and a California driver's license; it 
will  accommodate 4 (plus one skinny in the back middle seat).
      --For the mini-van, I will take reservations on Saturday afternoon 
and Sunday morning until the van is full -- just talk to me and I will 
give info -- look for me at the non-techie sessions.
      --For the Toyota, please someone volunteer (need to give me copy 
of your driver's license for insurance purposes).  Talk to me and we 
will work out details.

I am looking forward to seeing everyone shortly.

Carol Ruth Silver


Law Offices of Carol Ruth Silver

68 Ramona Av San Francisco 94103

415 861 5802 carol at silverlaw.biz

On 10/19/2010 10:14 PM, Sameer Verma wrote:


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