[Olpc-open] OwNet

Chris Ball cjb at laptop.org
Fri Nov 2 10:18:05 EDT 2012

Hi Martin,

On Thu, Nov 01 2012, Martin Lipták wrote:
> Recently we came across the project OLPC. We find it very interesting
> and, if possible, we would like to contribute to the project. Could
> our application be somehow useful to OLPC? Possibly some parts could
> be integrated into the Sugar interface (e.g. intelligent caching,
> prefetching or educational features). Since we intend a full
> reimplementation, we could choose features based on your preference or
> suggestions.

Sounds good, but most of the developers hang out on these lists:

http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/devel       # general OLPC development
http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/server-devel  # for school server apps
http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/sugar-devel # for Sugar development

(Sorry we don't have a single list that would have all the right people
on it!)

- Chris.
Chris Ball   <cjb at laptop.org>   <http://printf.net/>
One Laptop Per Child

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