[Olpc-open] 7 of 10 Contributors Projects Approved!

Holt holt at laptop.org
Fri Oct 8 17:14:15 EDT 2010

  All 10 verdicts are in, 7 receiving full-or-partial approval:


Thank you to all members of today's FaculTEA a.k.a. all-volunteer 
enthusiastic jury, for your truly dedicated peer-mentoring!!

Most all shipments should arrive before SF's community summit begins, 
exactly 2 weeks from today.  Y'all please remember to REGISTER if you 
will join, want one of the remaining shirts -- and *new* laptop stickers 
that just went to press today.  Thanks to some mind-blowingly productive 
volunteers we'll All Soon Meet at the Golden Gate:


On 10/8/2010 2:00 PM, Holt wrote:
> Even though OLPC's Contributors Program has a bit of a temporary inventory
> shortage this month, please all join us voting for the latest OLPC/Sugar
> community projects over IRC Live Chat, even if I apologize certain
> shipments may be somewhat delayed!  Please join us live now, to make the
> best project allocations & mentoring relationships, starting right here:
> http://forum.laptop.org/chat
> Then type at bottom:
> /join #olpc-meeting
> * Fast Review of the 10 latest (greatest!) HW/Project Proposals -- please
>  join us advocating for, and/or reviewing shortcomings of these proposals:
>  1. Children's resource and gaming centre - Kampala, Uganda
>  2. Improving performance in science subjects and raising HIV/AIDS 
> awareness - Uganda/Kenya/USA
>  3. Moneague College - Jamaica
>  4. XOpup / Puppy Linux XO-1.5 - Southport, Australia
>  5. "Preventing Malaria" - Mexico/Edinburg, Texas
>  6. SemanticXO - Amsterdam, Netherlands
>  7. Developing education resources - Australia/Timor
>  8. Zimbabwe Youth Development Foundation trust: Project Rabuda/Sunrise
>  9. XOs from Fargo to Sudan: after school to building a school - North 
> Dakota State University
>  10. Upper Canada College / Ntugi Kenya
> * Which projects might you enjoy Mentoring below?!
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Projects
> http://rt.laptop.org/Search/Results.html?Query=Queue=%27contributors%27
> * New projects & libraries -- teaching them Community Outreach:
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/XO_Laptop_Lending_Libraries
> 1. Children's resource and gaming centre - Kampala, Uganda
> http://rt.laptop.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=67018
> http://www.kyowgp.blogspot.com
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Projects ]
>    Requests 10 XOs over 12 months
>    Project Background/Objectives:
>    - enhancing the current children learning activties through the
>      development of a creative learning environment with the 
> availability of
>      laptops for recreation.
>    - provide entertainment and a learning experience for the children in
>      nansana.
>    - develop a children's gaming station as part of the current resource
>      centre where after reading,children can engage in some 
> recreational and
>      educational entertainment.
>    - introduction of OLPC/Sugar community in one community in the country.
> 2. Improving performance in science subjects and raising HIV/AIDS 
> awareness - Uganda/Kenya/USA
> http://rt.laptop.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=67167
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Projects ]
>    Requests 9 XOs over 2-3 months
>    Project Objectives:
>    1. To equip teachers and pupils with basic computer skills using 
> the XO
>       laptop.
>    2. To improve understanding and performance of science 
> subjectsincluding
>       maths using the xo activities
>    3. Actively engaging children in their learning process.
>    4. Increase school attendance rate in rural schools and ctively 
> engaging
>       children in their learning process.
>    5. Increasing HIV/AIDS awareness and thus helping leaners live a HIV
>       free life.
> 3. Moneague College - Jamaica
> http://rt.laptop.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=67265
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Projects ]
>    Requests 10 XOs over 24 months
>    Project Objectives:
>    The objectives of this pilot project shall be to:
>    * Expose teacher educators and student teachers (the next cohort of
>      class teachers) to the XO laptops and software for use in the 
> teaching and
>      learning process
>    * Provide the tools for the practical completion of the Technology in
>      Education course objectives for the target group of student teachers
>    * Demonstrate that the XO software can be used across content areas
>    * Provide an incentive and equipment for student teachers to 
> propose and
>      execute technology/computer centred final year teaching practice 
> projects
>    * Contribute to the bank of Sugar lesson plans and videos in
>      conjunction with UWI pilots
>    * Assist the OLPC Jamaica Team with teacher training for their
>      projects at Providence Basic and August Town Primary schools.
>    * Assist the Ministry of Education and Youth and Education
>      Transformation Team with achieving 100% literacy by 2015,
>      by using/integrating the XOs into daily teachings for the
>      same set of children over the life of the project
> 4. XOpup / Puppy Linux XO-1.5 - Southport, Australia
> http://rt.laptop.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=67326
> http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=47337
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Projects ]
>    Requests 1 XO-1.5 over 18 months
>    Project Background/Objectives:
>    To port Puppy linux with it's unique blend of speed and usability 
> to the XO.
> 5. "Preventing Malaria" - Mexico / Edinburg, Texas
> http://rt.laptop.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=67327
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Projects ]
>    Requests 3 XO-1s over 12 months
>    Project Objectives:
>    - Develop a memory game for 1 or 2 players with malaria-related topics,
>      so 5-12-year-old kids can help to prevent this disease in their
>      communities.
>    The computer will show a list of images related to malaria, such as 
> causes,
>    transmission, symptoms, treatment, prevention and complications. Each
>    image will appear from 4 to 10 seconds (depending on the chosen 
> difficulty:
>    difficult, normal and easy). The game will show something like this:
>    - Habitat (4-10 seconds)...
>    - Bamboo Pole (4-10 seconds)...
>    - Rainwater (4-10 seconds) ...
>    - (more words)
>    Then, the computer will ask the player to choose from a set of 
> images and
>    put them in the same order they appeared previously. In our 
> example, the
>    kid has to choose the Habitat picture first, then the Bamboo Pole 
> picture,
>    and so on.
>    At the end, the computer will show the score (for example, “you 
> memorized
>    the order of 4/6 words) and a sentence related to the pictures. This
>    sentence will say something like: "Cover bamboo pole holders after use.
>    Rainwater can potentially accumulate in these bamboo pole holders 
> if they
>    are uncovered and create a habitat..." Then, the player can choose 
> to play
>    again or to exit the game.
>    When 2 kids are playing, player 1 will play first and the score will be
>    shown, then player 2 will play and his score will be shown. At the 
> end, the
>    computer will congratulate the winner.
>    - Learn more about Python, PyGTK, Glade and other related 
> technologies in
>      order to build this and other international projects for XO in the
>      future.
>    - Publish a paper in a recognized software engineering conference with
>      the results of applying Scrum (an iterative, incremental 
> framework for
>      project management and agile software development) on an
>      international free software project. These paper will encourage more
>      engineers to work on OLPC projects.
>    - Use the memorization game to internalize malaria-related concepts.
>    - Create an OLPC research group at the School of Engineering and
>      Technology in Montemorelos University, Mexico (www.um.edu.mx).
> 6. SemanticXO - Amsterdam, Netherlands
> http://rt.laptop.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=67749
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Projects ]
>    Requests 5 XOs over 12 months
>    Project Objectives:
>    Semantic technologies are becoming more and more used to
>    improve the efficiency of information sharing on Internet.
>    The goal of this project is to investigate the application of
>    the same technologies on a mesh network, without access to Web
>    services such as DNS.
>    With the ability to exchange structured and unambiguous
>    information, we expect to improve communication in the context of
>    medical, culturage heritage or marketing applications.
>    Although not having expertise related to the typical usage
>    context of the XOs, the KRR group already has some expertise in using
>    semantic technologies for improving access to
>    culturage heritage and modeling medical processes.
> 7. Developing education resources - Australia/Timor
> http://rt.laptop.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=67839
> http://tonyforster.blogspot.com/
> http://seaton-olpc-ug.org/?q=node/54
> http://tinyurl.com/25ho638
> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org
> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/User:Tonyforster
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Projects ]
>    Requests 1 XO over indefinite months
>    Project Background/Objectives:
>    Software testing and developing educational materials
> 8. Zimbabwe Youth Development Foundation trust: Project Rabuda/Sunrise
> http://rt.laptop.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=67914
> http://zuvarabuda1.wordpress.com
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Projects ]
>    Requests 100 XOs over 12 months
>    Project Objectives:
>    * To produce the world’s most comprehensive and powerful knowledge
>      resource-pushing the boundaries of online community and 
> technology as a tool for
>      social empowerment
>    * To instigate significant evolution in the present concepts of school
>      education by increasing global connection, meaningful use of 
> ICTs(Information
>      and Communication Technologies) and inspiring student engagement
>    * To enable learning through the effective use of technology to 
> promote
>      knowledge and skills which will ensure thriving communities in 
> Zimbabwe
>    * To demonstrate innovation, excellence, creativity , and 
> professionalism in
>      the management of a new style of an organization that is 
> entrepreneurial,
>      technology enhanced and youth driven
>    * To create a contributive environment for meaningful participation 
> in the
>      broader economy by disadvantaged individuals and youth 
> groups(mainstreaming)
>    * To cooperate and build alliances and partnerships with 
> organizations with
>      similar or related objectives
> 9. XOs from Fargo to Sudan: after school to building a school - North 
> Dakota State University
> http://rt.laptop.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=68356
> http://fargoxo.wordpress.com
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Projects ]
>    Requests 15 XOs over 9/indefinite months
>    Project Objectives:
>    The primary objective of this proposal is to transform the Madison 
> Elementary
>    after school program, as well as support Rev Gadi's after school 
> program, also
>    housed at Madison Elementary. The Madison program typically enrolls 
> 40-50
>    students, many reluctant, many English Language Learners. The mere 
> presence
>    of 12 XOs will create interest among the students--the medium is 
> the message--
>    but we will also work with this unique population to try and 
> develop English
>    language learning e-books and activities unique to Sugar that will 
> then be
>    available and useful to XO deployments in Sudan, Rwanda, Congo, and 
> other
>    countries where the refugee students and families now living in Fargo
>    originate from. We will work with Rev. Gadi's students to prepare the
>    laptops for deployment in Sudan, loading them with projects 
> developed in
>    Fargo, loading them with books so that the dream of a library built 
> by 15
>    laptops becomes feasible.
>    The secondary objective is to train a team from within this group 
> to deliver
>    these 15 laptops to the school in southern Sudan. Team members who 
> do not go
>    on this trip with Rev. Gadi may have a chance to go later as Kevin 
> Brooks is
>    President of a non-profit called "African Soul, American Heart" and 
> he too is
>    looking to learn the ins and outs of the XO and Sugar so that he 
> will be able
>    to support a deployment to Duk Payuel, southern Sudan, in the next 
> 3-5 years.
> 10. Upper Canada College / Ntugi Kenya
> http://rt.laptop.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=68363
> http://ntugiSchool.com
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Projects ]
>     Requests 4 XO-1.5s over 12 months
>     Project Background/Objectives:
>     Currently there are 50 XO 1.0, and 4 XO 1.5 laptops deployed in 
> the Ntugi
>     Day School. Due to ongoing changes to the XO kernel's from version 
> to version,
>     certain functions are only available on certain machines. We would 
> like to
>     have the same activities and functions available on all XO's 
> deployed to
>     alleviate complicated re-imaging deployment issues, along with 
> having a
>     more equal experience for all XO users.
>     We currently have provided Ntugi with three distinct images, one 
> at 711
>     for XO-1 use with the Vernier equipment, on at 802 for XO-1 user for
>     standard activities and the added features and activities of 802 over
>     711, and one at 306 for use with the 1.5's to enable USB 
> microscope use
>     and Gnome features.
>     Our goal is to standardize on the 852 build for all XO 1.0's, and 
> 1.5's
>     and have the core functions and activities identical. This will 
> also aid
>     in the saturation process as there will be less haves and have-not 
> issues.
>     We have developed an install script which local-installs all the 
> required
>     RPM's to minimize data plan expenses, and are hoping to simultaneously
>     deploy temp/swap/program SD cards so that the XO 1.0's can have 
> sufficient
>     processing power to run the more intensive applications.
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