[Olpc-open] Educational XHTML Editor Educational Game Maker
Mike Dawson
mikeofmanchester at gmail.com
Tue May 25 14:55:35 EDT 2010
Hi All,
In addition to the new idevices I have just got an export to xol file
option - working on making a .xo activity export as well:
On 25 May 2010 11:24, Caroline Meeks <caroline at solutiongrove.com> wrote:
> Mike,
> Thank you for reminding me about the eXe editor. I looked at it a few years
> ago.
> I agree its a powerful tool for creating educational content. It is pretty
> easy to use although it could be easier to get started with. I find the
> "devices" labeling a bit confusing. It took me quite a while to find out
> that I don't use any of the many options in the eXe to embed audio, rather
> its a button on the rich text editor. Everything is pretty easy once you
> figure out how to use it.
> A group in Spain has created accessibility and html validator plugins that
> use tinymce.
> Another flexible option of ExE is it can create SCROM packages that can be
> loaded into Moodle courses. I am going to try using it for one of our
> commercial projects.
> Thanks!
> Caroline
> On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 3:53 PM, Mike Dawson <mikeofmanchester at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Dear List,
>> One of the greatest challenges here in deployments has been to create
>> sufficient curriculum *interactive* educational content. Though
>> Scratch and Etoys are great for simulators for many common educational
>> interaction formats (e.g. assemble objects, click in place according
>> to hint in order, memory match, hangman, sorting items etc) using such
>> tools can be quite awkward.
>> eXe Learning was created as a GUI educational XHTML Editor with
>> support for fill in the blank question formats, multi choice, multi
>> select etc. I have created plugins for Place the objects / label
>> (e.g. assembling parts / labelling a diagram), Click in place
>> according to a hint, sort objects, hangman, memory match, moving
>> object speed answer (e.g. Tuxmath) and sort. The output is generated
>> as HTML / Javascript which can run online or offline. I've also
>> created a plugin for embedding Scratch using the Scratch Java player
>> with an option for the user to download.
>> There are many repositories of open content; however many of them fail
>> to harness the potential of ICT as an interactive medium. Hopefully
>> further lowering the barrier can help to create more. This can make
>> it far easier to turn existing open static content into interactive
>> educational content.
>> Compared to conventional Javascript / Flash / EToys development this
>> dramatically increases the amount of educational interactive content
>> that can be produced by given teams in a given amount of time. It
>> also can help make creation of interactive educational material far
>> easier for educators by templating the kind of interaction they would
>> like to produce and allowing them to just plug in the questions,
>> answers, images, options of the game etc.
>> For many parts of the curriculum the best course of action can be to
>> embed already created Scratch simulators from the Scratch website
>> (e.g. physics sims). With eXe Learning + plugins one can produce a
>> complete interactive package that opens in the browser. I am hoping
>> to develop a roleplay and generic simple simulator creator in the near
>> future.
>> I have also updated the HTML Editor to enable it to create HTML 5
>> Audio and Video tags for embedding media.
>> Comments/ Feedback most welcome. The plugins are still 'bleeding
>> edge'... Will soon get the sourceforge project properly taken care of
>> so that bugs / QA can be taken care of.
>> For now see http://www.paiwastoon.af/eldep
>> Regards from Afghanistan,
>> -Mike
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> --
> Caroline Meeks
> Solution Grove
> Caroline at SolutionGrove.com
> 617-500-3488 - Office
> 505-213-3268 - Fax
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