[Olpc-open] Olpc-open Digest, Vol 35, Issue 7: information flow

gnome gnome at greenglim.com
Thu May 14 12:53:39 EDT 2009


You've put your finger on the problem!  I'm one of the general user 
community, not a specialist in Information Systems!, and I've just about 
given up trying to follow what's happening with OLPC because the 
information isn't on my normal web run.

I subscribed to an OLPC forum for a while, but it moved, or became 
inactive, or something.  Either way, I lost track of it.

The wiki, at least the last time I looked months ago, can be kind of 
hard to find information on.  For specifics, I google and specify the 
site, but that's not a way to stay current with the community generally.

Twitter, facebook, and all that just isn't my bag so anything there goes 
right past me.

And so on.

So I'm delighted to hear about what you're doing.  That really fills a need.


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