[Olpc-open] G1G1 (was Re: [Community-news] OLPC News (2008-09-29))

Bert Freudenberg bert at freudenbergs.de
Mon Oct 6 03:05:17 EDT 2008

Am 06.10.2008 um 06:28 schrieb Nirav Patel:

> Ah, thanks.
> Does anyone know the name of the font used in OLPC marketing
> materials, such as the text on amazon.com/xo ?

I'm pretty certain it's these:

laptop.org: VAG Rundschrift (a.k.a. VAG Rounded)

amazon.com: Arial Rounded (similar but not quite as pure)

(fellow typophiles might want to read the "VAG Rounded" wikipedia entry)

- Bert -

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