[Olpc-open] usb

Steve Franks stevefranks at ieee.org
Fri Jan 18 14:17:27 EST 2008

You can find the newbie 'journal' answer to this elsewhere.

The linux hacker answer:

if you look at /dev before vs. after you plug it in, you will see an
"sda" file appear (I think that's the right spelling, it's sdb on
other unixes, methinks - I'm a freebsd person by nature).  You can
then (although you may need to log in as root) execute "mount /dev/sda
/mnt".  There are probably other things in /mnt, so you really
probably want to mkdir /mnt/flashdrive and mount to /mnt/flashdirve
instead of just /mnt.  Anyway, if it works with no errors, you can
just cd /mnt/flashdrive, and your files should be there.  Works like a
charm.  Most all Fedora command-line utilites (like mount) work fine
on the olpc.

Sooner or later someone's probably gonna flame me for putting up
hacker answers on this list, but until then, I'm available...I find
each generation learns a little more about computers than the last,
and sugar's a bit lightweight this early in the game.  I do hope it
progresses. My daughter got in in about 5 minutes.  Now we're doing
hardcore stuff on it to stay interested.


2008/1/18 Gail Nalven <horatiostreet at gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> Please excuse the novice question after all the technical stuff I see here.
> I am wondering whether you can use a usb flash drive.  Is so, where do you
> find it?  I haven't been able to figure out how to pick it up.
> Thanks,
> Gail
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Steve Franks, KE7BTE
Staff Engineer
La Palma Devices, LLC
(520) 312-0089

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