[Olpc-open] Why is G1G1 program ending?

Edward Cherlin echerlin at gmail.com
Tue Jan 1 16:36:26 EST 2008

On Dec 30, 2007 10:38 PM, Seth Woodworth <seth at isforinsects.com> wrote:

> > > Nah. We can turn the problem around. "Silly geeks. XOs are for kids."
> > > And then show children's faces lighting up when they get their
> > > laptops, and when they discover programming or physics or whatever.
>  Lost track here.  Who said this? ^

I did. Edward Mokurai Cherlin.

Alan Kay has some outstanding examples of children discovering physics
and calculus, and there is plenty more where that came from.

> I think that it's not a bad idea for a little video.  Speak up so I can
> credit you on the wiki.

My sentiments perzackly.

> Seth

Edward Cherlin
Earth Treasury: End Poverty at a Profit
"The best way to predict the future is to invent it."--Alan Kay

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