[Olpc-open] RE: [mass storage] Is it possible to substitute flash?
Xavier Alvarez
xavi.alvarez at gmail.com
Wed Jan 17 11:59:47 EST 2007
On Wednesday 17 January 2007 12:53, Khaled Hassounah wrote:
KH> Xavier,
KH> Xavier Alvarez wrote:
KH> There will be a school server. The plans are not finalized
KH> yet, but they will be small, power-efficient, inexpensive,
KH> and serve two purposes: mass-storage/backup and network
KH> routing for outside and intra-school connectivity.
Great news! :)
I had alwasy thought so, but never had a confirmation.
So, can we have a longer teaser (or pointer) about the specs?
Because I suppose that there's a lot of work to be done for such
a server in the sense of configuration (ie: School server for
Dummies) that also needs to be done right.
BTW, will the servers be manufactured like the XO en-mass by
Quanta (or similar)? Or it'll be a spec that can be locally
implemented by each country. Brazil hinted so (rumors?)
This would promote technology transfer, local know-how, and could
also open the doors to local manufacturing and/or the service
industry - using local resources. Not to mention flexibility on
localization issues.
KH> >We are
KH> > talking of important chunks of their educational budgets
KH> This will be a very small percentage of the overall cost,
KH> specifically less than $1 per child, and they do know about
KH> them.
Great! :)
KH> >
KH> > Those two things together could also work to the project's
KH> > advantage. For example, teacher WILL be a major part of
KH> > the equation (in many places on the wrong side - read,
KH> > liability)
KH> I think kids will be a larger part of the equation, both in
KH> numbers and capabilities.
I agree. But kids don't seat at the negotiation table...
sindicates do. And my perception is that teachers (specially in
developing countries - where they are generally and unbelievably
underpaid) have their ways around the subject of negotiation -
many times against the interests of kids.
I think that it would be smart tactics to address some of the
teacher's issues or concerns and target them with solutions...
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