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Greetings OLPC Indonesia,<br>
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<a href="http://translate.sugarlabs.org/id/fructose/"></a>I've been
a fan of OLPC for some time, and only just discovered this local
chapter on the wiki today. It's nice to know I'm not alone :)<br>
Can anyone here help with a status review of Bahasa Indonesia
I see that, in all, translation stands at 26%, but that the "OLPC
software" is complete. Does this provide us any Bahasa Indonesia
functionality, or do we need to complete <i>all </i>the projects
And if the software is not yet functional, can anyone provide an
estimate of how many person-hours are required to wrap it up?<br>
I'm not the best candidate for translating (best left to a native
speaker, I think). But I may be able to help drum up support, if I
know the scale of the task at hand.<br>
Thanks for all you do :)<br>
<div class="moz-signature"><big><font color="#333333"
face="Trebuchet MS"><br>
djuna ivereigh</font></big><br>
<font color="#444444" face="Trebuchet MS"><small>
nyuh kuning<br>
ubud, bali<br>
+62(0)812.385.5853 (GMT+8)<br>
</small></font><small><font color="#ff6600" face="Trebuchet MS">djuna
at djunapix.com</font></small>
<b><a href="http://asmp.org/articles/best-2011-ivereigh.html"
style="text-decoration:none"><font color="#ff6600"
face="Trebuchet MS">Best of ASMP 2011 Photographer</font></a>
style="text-decoration:none"><font color="#ff6600"
face="Trebuchet MS">Seram Canopy Safaris