[Olpc-indonesia] Surabaya in July

Gede Suparsa gede.suparsa at gmail.com
Mon May 12 17:50:31 EDT 2008

Hi Yama,

not sure if you've read a previous post by Dennis but if you have time it
would be good to find out if there is someone local, or perhaps an
organisation (university student orgnisations might be worth a try) who may
have the organisation capability to support a project?

Taking an XO would be a great idea to show people what OLPC has achieved so
far. I think it's important to bear in mind that there isn't a lot of
Indonesian content developed yet but I think just showing this laptop is a
good start.

And of course let us know what you find out!


On Sat, May 10, 2008 at 3:00 AM, Yama Ploskonka <yama at netoso.com> wrote:

> I will be in Surabaya mid July helping train people in using Powerpoint
> (forgive me, but that's how I got my invitation  :-)  )
> Is there any way I can help OLPC Indonesia while I am there?  Will most
> likely have an XO with me.
> I also need some contact in Singapore so I can pick up Singapore
> educational materials in English, particularly Math and Science, used is
> OK, since I will be twice in that city.
> Yama
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